Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Ignorance Converted2Islam : Muhammad and blond women

(English isn't my first language so i might make grammatical mistakes)

I decided to tackle this argument duo to the fact not only Converted2islam brought weak sources and weak narrations, but also he foolishly claimed that the word “banat Al-Sufor” literally means blond women, this will be refuted accordingly, keep in mind this entire article is Not my work, I’m only translating the work of a famous academic YouTube apologist by the name of Abu ‘Umar al-bahith (antishubohat), the only part that contain my own work is the part that describe what does the word banat al-sufor means, and does it really mean blond women like how converted2islam would like you to know.

The main aim of this article is to expose the known sources to this narration, since converted used Al-tabari I shall do so, of course the video I’m translating from cited more sources than tabari and refuted more, but let us stick to the main source used
The following are the sources used to identify the narrations and my further examination on them

1-tafsir al-qurtubi
قال محمد ابن اسحاق: قال رسول الله للجد بن قيس  أخي بني سلمة لما اراد الخروج الى تبوك:((يا جد, هل لك في جلاد بني تتخذ منهم سراري ووصفاء؟)) فقال الجد : قد عرف قومي اني مغرم بالنساء و إني أخشى إن رأيت بنات بني الأصفر أن لاأصبر عنهن فلا تفتني بهن وائذن لي في القعود عنك وأعينك بمالي[1]


Muhamad Ibn Ishaq said: the prophet said to Judd bin Qais the brother of bani salama when he wanted to go for tabouk: oh Judd do you not take of the Banu al asfar female captives and servants?)) Judd said: my people knew me falling in love with women easily, and I fear that if I see the girls of Banu suffor that I might not be patient with them, so don’t expose me with them, and I shall aid you with my money and remain with you

Issue#1: this is a tafsir book, not a hadith exegesis, so when we use tafsir books we use them for their explanation no narrations
Issue#2: Muhammad Ibn ishaq didn’t reach the prophet therefore this is regarded as mursal duo to the fact that Muhammad ibn isaq has a time gap between him and Muhammad of 69 years
Issue#3: the time gap between imam Qurtubi and Ibn Ishaq is more than 500 years, so that is another huge issue to deal with
Issue#4: where did Qurtubi brought this narration from, and is it authentic?

We shall now take a look at the narrations Qurtubi took this one from

Now Converted2islam cited one source for this, and it’s Tafsir Al-Tabari, I’m fully aware that I’m showing a source at the begging that he didn’t cite, but that was just part of the introduction
Now let us examine the source used by converted2islam
2-Tafsir Al-Tabari

و ذكر ان هذه الاية نزلت في الجد بن قيس
حدثني محمد بن عمرو, قال: تنا أبو عاصم, قال: حدثنا عيسى, عن أبن ابي نجيح, عن مجاهد في قول الله(ومنهم من يقول ائذن لي ولا تفتني ) قال: قال رسول الله (أغزو تبوك تغنمو بنات الأصفر نساء الروم) فقال الجد :أذن لنا ولا تفتنا بالنساء[2]


and it was said that this verse was revealed about Judd bin Qais
Muhammad bin ‘Umro said: Abu ‘Asim said: ‘Isa told us, fro, Ibn abi Najih from Mujahid (keep this name in mind) regarding what god said in {among them is he who says, "Permit me [to remain at home] and do not put me to trial."} said: the prophet said: raid Tabuk and you shall take girls of banu asfar the women of Rome Judd said: Permit us to stay and don’t expose us to women

 “6481-Mujahid bin Jubr, Abu Hajaj Al-Makhzumi their maula, al Maki: he is trusted in tafsir and Ulom he died at the year 101 or 102 or 103 or 104 and he is 83 years old”[3]
101-83= 18 years, which means Mujahid was born after Muhammad death 18 years, which means this hadith is mursal

What evidence do you have that Mursal is not accepted?
“and Mursal is one of the narrations that according to us and according to the people of knowledge from reports is not to be taken as authentic”[4]

Another narration Tabari cited
حدثنا القاسم, قال: حدثنا حسين, قال حدثنى الحجاج, عن ابن جريج, عن مجاهد قال: قال رسول الله : أغزو تبوك تغنموا بنات الأصفر. يعني نساء الروم, ثم ذكر مثله

Qasim Told us: Hussain Told us (keep this name in mind): Hajaj told us: from ibn juraij, from Mujahid (mujahid here again) said: the prophet said: : raid Tabuk and you shall take girls of banu asfar the women of Rome. Then he mentioned another alike

We can dismiss this one again duo to the fact that mujahid exist, but as you can see we saw a narrator by the name of Hussain mentioned, now we shall examin him, is he trusted?
 “sunaid Ibn Dawood Al-Misisi, Abu ali Al-Muhtasib and his name is Hussain, and Sunaid is a nickname given to him”[5]
 “Abdulrahman bin Abi Hatim said: my father asked about him: he said Da’if
And Nisai said: AlHussain Bin Dawood is not to be trusted”[6]

In a third narration cited by Tabari, is a continues citation of AlHussain as we saw, so the third narration is also rejected, remember when I stated in the narration something along the line of “Then he mentioned another alike” earlier? This is a reference to the third narration that subsequent it

However again, if you remember we mentioned a narrator by the name of ibn juraij, let also examine him
“If Ibn Juraij said: someone said and someone said, and I was told, then he brought Manakir (denied narrations) and if he said someone said to me directly, then listen to him.
And it was narrated from Al-Maimuni from Ahmed if Ibn Juraij said: (somone said): be cautious of him, and if he said (I heard or I was asked) he brought then something that doesn’t seem true”[7]

The forth narration by Imam Tabari:
حدثنا ابن حميد, قال: حدثنا سلمة, عن محمد ابن اسحاق عن الزهري و يزيد بن رومان, و عبد الله بن ابي بكر, و عاصم بن قتادة و غيرهم, قال: قال رسول الله ذات يوم, و هو في حهزه للجد بن قيس اخي بني سلمة (هل لك يا جد العام في جلاد بني الأصفر؟) / فقال يا رسول الله أو تأذن لي و لا تفتني؟ فولله لقد غرف قومي ما رجل أشد عجبا بالنساء مني


Ibn Humaid Told us (keep this name in mind) said: salama told us, from Muhammad Ibn Ishaq from Zuhri, and Yazid bin roman, and Abdullah bin abi bakir, and ‘Asim bin Qutada and others said: the messager of god said one day and he while he was busy, to Judd bin Qais the brother of bani salma (do you Judd want to lash banu al-asfar?) he said : oh prophet of god will permit me to stay and don’t put me in trail? By god my people know no one is more attracted to women than me


 “Muhammad ibn Humaid Al-Razi
Abu Zur’a and ibn wara : it’s authentic in our opinion that he lies, said : I saw my father after that if ibn Humaid was mentioned he clean his hands”[8]


“Salama bin Al-Fadil bin Al-Abrash, the judge of Al-rai, he heard from Muhammad ibn Ishaq, and Abdullah bin ‘Umro bin Aian and Muhammad bin Hamid narrated from him, but he has many manakir (denid) and he is doubtful”[9]
 “241- Salama bin Al-fadil Al-Abrash: Abu Abdullah dai’f (weak) he narrate from Ibn Ishaq the raids”[10]

In another fifth narration by Tabari

حدثني يونس, قال: أخبرنا ابن وهب, قال: قال ابن زيد في قوله (ومنهم من يقول ائذن لي ولا تفتني). قال: هو رجل من المنافقين يقال له الجد بن قيس. فقال له رسول الله: العام نغزو بني الأصفر, و نتخذ منهم سراري ووصفاء.


Yunis told us: Ibn Wahab told us: Ibn zaid said regarding {among them is he who says, "Permit me [to remain at home] and do not put me to trial."} he said: this was a man among the hypocrites it was said that his name was Judd bin Qais, the messenger of god said to him: this year we shall conquer banu al asfar, and take from them captives and servants


Ibn Zaid
 “3865-Abdullrahman bin zaid bin aslam Al-‘Adawi

Why are they Called Banu Asfar? (My own addition)

This is going to be the most embarrassing part of this entire article, as converted2islam literally thought that the meaning of the word banu asfar means blond women, but in reality it’s not

يقال أن جدهم روم بن عيص تزوج بنت ملك الحبشة فجاء لون ولده  بين البياض والسواد فقيل له الأصفر , وقيل لان جدته سارة زوج إبراهيم عليه السلام حلته بالذهب فسمي أصفرا[12]


It was said that their grandfather was rome bin ‘Ais married the daughter of the king of Habasha, so his son came with the skin color between whiteness and blackness so he was named Al-Asfar (literally means yellow), and it was said that his grandmother Sara was the wife of Abrahim suit him with gold so he was named Asfar

None of the above possible meanings include the hair color, I could be wrong, but that was the only source I acquired

[1] tafsir al-qurtubi Vol.10 page.232
[2] Tafsir Al-Tabari Vol.11 page.491
[3] Taqrib Al-Tahthib By Imam Ibn Hajar al-‘askalani Page.453
[4] Sahih Muslim Page.18
[5] Tahthib Al-Kamal Fi Asma Al-Rijal By Imam Hafiz abi hajaj Al-Mizi vol.12 page.161
[6] ibid page.164
[7] Siar A’lam Al Nubala Imam Shams Al-Diin Al-Dahabi vol.6 page.328
[8] Al-Majruhin Min Al-Muhadithin vol.2 page.321
[9] Al-Du’afa Al-Sagir by Imam Bukhari page.57
[10] ibid page.184
[11] Takrib Al-Tahthib Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Askalani page.282
[12] Fatih Al-Bari Fi Sharih Sahih Bukhari vol.1 Page.40